" After all, the eye of the microscope
penetrates where the eye of my movie camera cannot.
The eye of the telescope reaches distant worlds,
inaccesible to my naked eye. What about the camera
then? What's its role in my assault on the visible
"Not 'filmming life unawares' for the sake
of the 'unaware,' but in order to show people
without masks, without makeup, to catch them
through the eye of the camera in a moment when
they are not acting, to read their thoughts,
laid bare by the camera. Kino-eye as the possibility
of making the invisible visible, the unclear
clear, the hidden manifest, the disguised overt,
the acting non-acted; making falsehood into truth."
"We engage directly in the study of the
phenomena of life that surrounds us.
We hold the ability to show and elucidate life as it is, considerably higher
than the occasionally diverting doll games that people call theatre, cinema,
etc. The actual theme of today's debate, 'Art and Everyday Life,' interests
us less than the topic, say, of, 'Everyday Life and the Organization of Everyday
Life,' since, I repeat, it's precisely in this latter area that we work and
consider it proper to do so.
Film-drama tickles the nerves. Kino-eye helps one to see. Kino-drama clouds
the eye and the brain with a sweet fog. Kino-eye opens to the eyes, clears
the vision.
Kino-drama tightens the throat. Kino-eye brings a fresh spring wind to one's
face, the free expanse of fields and forests, the breadth of life."
"Coincidences always happen if you keep
your mind open, while storyboards remain the
instruments of cowards who do not trust in their
own imagination and who are slaves of a matrix...
If you get used to planning your shots based
solely on aesthetics, you are never that far
from kitsch."
"We are surrounded by worn-out images,
and we deserve new ones."
"We comprehend... that nuclear power is
a real danger for mankind, that over-crowding
of the planet is the greatest danger of all.
We have understood that the destruction of the
environment is another enormous danger. But I
truly believe that the lack of adequate imagery
is a danger of the same magnitude. It is as serious
a defect as being without memory. What have we
done to our images? What have we done to our
embarrassed landscapes? I have said this before
and will repeat it again as long as I am able
to talk: if we do not develop adequate images
we will die out like dinosaurs."
"I've always made it very clear that for
the sake of a deeper truth, a stratum of very
deep truth in movies you have to be inventive,
you have to be imaginative."
"I would travel down to Hell and wrestle
a film away from the devil if it was necessary."
While this is not a Dogme film, we have adopted
many of the rules from the "Vow
of Chastity".
> The camera will be hand-held.
> All filmming will be done on location, with the actors providing their own
and props.
> The film takes place in the here and the now.
> There will be no superficial action.
> The film will be in color.
If you want to know what brave (possibly crazy)
filmmaking is, read Barbet's article in the
August 2001
issue of Playboy magazine. The article is called, "Columbia:
Land of Death" and it's still the most amazing
cinema related article I have ever read. It's
a collection of letters and emails that he sent
to friends while shooting his film "Our Lady
of the Assassins" in Medellin, Columbia. They
had to have constant protection (some of the
crew carried guns), get permission from gang
leaders to shoot in certain
and devise complicated plans to withdraw money
from the bank without getting robbed or killed
in the process.
While Barbet was making "Barfly," Menahem
Golan, the head of the production company, threatened
to pull money from the budget. Barbet went into
his office with an electric knife and a syringe
of novacain. He plugged the knife into the
wall, injected the novacain into his
little finger, and told
he would cut his pinky off if he
didn't promise the entire budget. Golen must
have believed him, because Barbet got his budget.
This story seems to change slightly depending
on who tells it, but even Golan admits that something
along these lines happened.
Lloyd's independent attitude is a constant source
of inspiration, and though our films are not
at all similar, I feel like we are cinematic
brothers in arms.
" There are 353 Million people starving to
death on this planet. Spending 150 Million dollars
on a movie: that’s an obscenity. They think
our movies are obscene! What’s Obscene is
spending 100 Million dollars of the Earth’s
resources to make shit with Jean-Claude Van Damme
in it! So that’s the point. If we had 100
Million bucks we would give out 98 Million dollars
to 98 other filmmakers so they could make their
movies, and I would make two movies at 1 Million
apiece, or at 500,000 dollars apiece. You’d
have a shitload better quality movies than
you have now."
"After being stuck in development hell at Universal,
we produced ourselves, using digital video-less
than a month after finishing the script! If you
have an idea, you can go out and do it with DV
and not wait for someone to bless you with their
notes. Now that the technology isn't so difficult,
anyone can master it. This will put the writers
in a very good position. People have a weird
mental defect that, when they read your script,
makes them think they wrote it-and that they
can push and pull it any way they want. And you
are not supposed to care. I do care. Partly because
of the way I was trained, with a career as a
director first. When I was treated as dirt as
a writer in Hollywood, I was appalled."
"If you have a strong story idea,
you can go out and make a movie. They can't stop
If you are waiting to be blessed, paid and have
your cappuccino brought to you, you just want
to have your picture taken in a crew photo. The
are now there. There are no excuses anymore."
"The next time someone gives you a bagful of
notes they got from a "How To" book,
stop in an equipment store and make the guy who
gave you a hard time irrelevant. They can't make
movies without somebody coming up with an idea.
The more they micro-manage the more they will
force people to go elsewhere. When we have full-streaming,
high-definition video online, you will have global
distribution of your movie from your web address.
People can plug in their credit card and download
your movie over the net. And if your movie is
any good, you website could stay there for years." |